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Unusual Homeowners Insurance Claims From Valentine’s Day Accidents
Roses are red, Violets are blue, We love an unusual claim, Don’t you?
We’re taking a moment from enjoying chocolates and roses on Valentine’s Day to reflect on some unusual homeowner’s insurance claims that didn’t all come up hearts and flowers!
Cupid has his arrow, but our first homeowner had a gun
As a professional gun restorer, one would normally remember to check the chamber for bullets, which is gun safety rule number one. The homeowner was surprised to discover that the gun he was cleaning was actually loaded and he inadvertently shot his television set. His insurer believed his claim and reimbursed for it, which was quite a gift to him!
Doves are the birds of love, but swans are shockingly beautiful
Our next tale involves the solemn story of a swan who didn’t notice that he was flying directly into some high voltage power lines until it was too late. After the poor bird’s unfortunate shock, the swan flew straight into a home, leaving a large hole in the roof when the bird entered. The claim was paid, and the damage was repaired fast.
Steamy kitchen claim
One couple loaded up their dishwasher to the max only to encounter a horrible mess when the dishwasher got stuck on high heat. The kitchen was overwhelmed by steam, positively drenching the entire room. Although their home insurance provider rejected their claim, the couple’s flood insurance kicked in and covered all the damage.
And they called it puppy love
Dogs can do amazing things like save their owners lives or help calm anxiety. Generally, arts and crafts are not their strength. When a homeowner accidently left a can of paint open while painting her walls, she was in for the surprise of her life. Her dog wandered over to the can of paint and as he passed it, his tail landed in the can and proceeded to coat her house in paint as he wagged through each room. The shocked homeowner was happy to have her claim paid. Her dog retired from painting but enjoyed a lovely bath.
Will you ‘bee’ mine?
A bee caught our homeowner’s eye and he became hypnotized by the insect’s flying and buzzing around his head. When he stood up, he became dizzy and proceeded to fall over and put a substantial dent right in his kitchen wall. Unfortunately, the damage that was incurred didn’t exceed the man’s deductible, so he had to deal with the sting of paying for the repairs himself.
Not all homeowners are so lucky to get their claims paid. When homeowner’s insurance claims are denied or underpaid, we fight for your compensation. Save our number for when this happens to a homeowner you know in Florida: 844-96-CLAIM.